Sponsor Registration Form

Return by April 30, 2003 to insure a listing in the conference program.
No registrations accepted after May 30, 2003.
Contact Name:
  Attending Conference? yes/no


City, State, Zip:
Phone: Fax: Cell: E-mail
Sponsorship Level: Platinum / Gold / Silver / Copper / Contributing
Enclosed :

You may include a black and white copy of your logo for use on handouts and signage. If you are contributing more than $500 you are also eligible for an exhibitor space. If you wish to exhibit, please also fill out the Exhibitor Registration Form and return it with this form.

Sponsorship Levels:

$5,000+ Platinum Sponsor
Thursday Lunch ($6,000+)

$3,000 - $4,999 Gold Sponsor
Wednesday Evening Reception ($4,000+)

$1,000 - $2,999 Silver Sponsor
/_/ Friday Big Sky Golf Scramble ($2,000+)

/_/ morning or afternoon break ($1,000+)

$500 - $999 Copper Sponsor

Up to $499 - Contributing

  • Event sponsorship is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Event sponsors will receive vocal and signage recognition at the event as well as recognition in the conference program.

  • Partial sponsors will be considered if whole event sponsors are not identified.

  • If you are sponsoring a break, you may indicate a preferred day and time - Tuesday or Wednesday; morning or afternoon

Make checks payable to: Under the Big Sky Greening Conference
Mail completed form and payment to:
Headwaters Cooperative Recycling
P.O. Box 208, Basin, MT 59631

Sponsor Form | Exhibitor Form | Information

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