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Conference Events

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The conference kick-off is a Tuesday evening get-acquainted reception sponsored by consumer products and foods company, UNILEVER.

Recycling Sessions:

  • Update on recycling
  • New recycle markets
  • Success stories in recycling in a rural setting
  • Buying renewables and bio-based products
  • Plastic recycling, plastic lumber, the future of plastics
  • Recycling on highways: glass, engine oil, recycled plastic products

Composting Sessions:

  • Update on composting
  • Composting challenges in rural areas
  • Yard waste composting
  • Full cost accounting

Sustainability and Pollution Prevention Sessions:

  • Green energy and sustainability in our parks
  • Challenges of greening a large concession operation
  • Pollution prevention opportunities and assistance on public lands
  • Green construction in the Yellowstone Region
  • Green power fuel cells for now and the future

Bio Fuels Sessions:

  • Ethanol and biodiesel -- the right blend for Big Sky
  • BIOFUELS 101: Montana Ethanol Conference and a Biodiesel Workshop
  • Ethanol production and considerations
  • Biodiesel production and considerations
  • Ethanol sponsor status, marketing, and co-products
  • Biodiesel sponsor status, marketing and co-products
  • Biodiesel and ethanol policy, incentives, permitting, and new legislation
  • Putting biofuels on the road: performance, concerns, solutions and future ideas

Alternate Fuel Vehicles on Display

  1. Yellowstone "Truck in the Park" 100% Biodiesel 1995 Dodge Biodiesel Pickup
  2. Yellowstone #406 1937 White Motor Coach Propane-Gasoline Bus (Thursday and Friday)
  3. Yellowstone MCI B-20 Biodiesel Bus (Thursday and Friday only)
  4. Wyoming Ethanol Junior Dragsters
  5. Wyoming Ethanol 2002 E-85 FFV Suburban
  6. Wyoming Ethanol GEM electric vehicle that hauls the dragsters
  7. Toyota Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle, Toyota Motor Sales
  8. Toyota Hybrid Electric Prius, Toyota Motor Sales
  9. Montana State University Electric Vehicle (MSU)
  10. Montana Department of Transportation 2002 Toyota Prius hybrid-electric
  11. Montana DEQ-SBAP with the Iowa State Waste Reduction Center Mobile Outreach on Pollution Prevention "MOPP" Van (Winnebago) with programs running every 30 minutes during breaks and on Thursday
  12. Glacier National Park Biodiesel Truck
  13. GEM vehicle by Xanterra Parks & Resorts
  14. EPAC 2001 Ford Taurus E-85 Flex-Fuel Vehicle
  15. EPAC 2002 E-85 Dodge Caravan
  16. Big Man Electric Neighborhood Electric Vehicle

Other Conference Activities

  • Up to 70 vendor, sponsor and exhibitor booths
  • Headwaters Cooperative Recycling Board Meeting
  • Ethanol Producers And Consumers (EPAC) Annual Membership Meeting
  • Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities Coalition Stakeholders Meeting

Agenda Overview

Key to Tracks:
A=Alternative Fuels * C=Composting * R=Recycling * S=Sustainability

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

2:00 – 4:30 PM Headwaters Cooperative Recycling Board Meeting
4:00 - 8:00 PM Conference registration
6:00 - 8:00 PM Get Acquainted Social sponsored by consumer products and foods company, UNILEVER

  • Exhibit, vendor booths, and vehicle displays open

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

7:00 AM - 4:00 PM Registration
8:00 - 9:30 AM Welcome and Introductions
9:30 - 10:00 Break and view exhibits

10:00 - 11:45 AM Concurrent Sessions 1
Track A1: Introduction to Biofuels: Ethanol and Biodiesel
Track C1: Composting Update
Track R1: Recycling Update

Luncheon (sponsored by consumer products and foods company, UNILEVER)

  • Keynote Melinda Sweet, Vice President, consumer products and foods company, Unilever and Tim Hudson Alaska District, National Park Service

1:30 - 3:00 PM Concurrent Breakout Session 2
Track A2: Ethanol Fuel Production: Updates and Considerations
Track R2: Rural Recycling Success Stories
Track S2: Greening the Parks: P2 Opportunities and Assistance

3:30 - 4:30 PM Concurrent Breakout Session 3
Track A3: Biodiesel Production and Considerations
Track R3: Innovative Recycling Markets
Track S3: Parks as a Lesson to Spread Greening

5:00 - 6:30 PM Western Barbecue Dinner

7:00 - 9:00 PM Exhibits and Social with entertainment by the Ringling Five

9:00 - 10:00 PM Hospitality Room, sponsored by EPAC and Ford Motor Company

Thursday, June 12, 2003

7:00 AM - 4:00 PM Registration
8:00 - 9:30 AM Plenary: Sustainability and Homeland Security

9:30 - 10:00 AM Break sponsored by New Uses Council

10:00 - 11:00 AM Concurrent Breakout Session 4
Track A4. Marketing Ethanol: Meeting the Challenge
Track C4. Composting Challenges in Rural Areas
Track S4. Sustainability and Renewable Energy Panel: fuel cells, hydrogen, and water system hydroelectric generation

11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon- Concurrent Session 5
Track A5. Status of Biodiesel Marketing and Co-Products
Track R5. Purchasing Renewables and Bio-based Products
Track S5. Green Construction in the Yellowstone Region

Luncheon - focus is Renewable Fuels for American Sustainability, sponsored by Fagen, Inc. and Renewable Fuels Association

1:30 - 2:45 PM- Concurrent Session 6
Track A6. Biofuels Policy, Incentives and New Legislation
Track R6. Plastic Recycling, Plastic Lumber, the Future of Plastics
Track S6. Latest Sustainable Technologies

2:45 - 3:15 PM Break sponsored by National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition

3:15 - 4:15 PM Concurrent Session 7
Track A7. Biofuels on the Road: Ethanol and Biodiesel Performance, Concerns, Solutions, and Plans for the Future
Track R7. Working with MDOT to Use Recycled Products
Track S7. Solid Waste Management Tools

4:30 PM Adjourn, dinner on your own

4:30 PM EPAC Board and Membership meeting
4:15 - 5:30 PM Exhibit and vendors social with refreshments, alternate fuel vehicle display, sponsored by Montana Private Haulers Association

Friday, June 13, 2003

7:00 - 9:00 AM Breakfast and display of alternative-fueled vehicles.

7:30 - 9:00 AM Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities Coalition Cooperators and Stakeholders and interested parties breakfast meeting

9:00 - 10:00 AM Concluding Session: TBA

10:15 - 10:25 AM- Load Select Alternative Fueled Vehicles (e.g. Yellowstone's biodiesel fueled busses, propane-fueled 1937 White Touring Coach body Yellow Bus or propane-fueled Glacier Red Bus) for:

  1. Tour of Yellowstone National Park with lunch on your own at Old Faithful (with 4:30 and 6 PM return), and dedication and tour of new composting facility (with 12:30, 4:30 and 6:00 PM return) or


*Under the Big Sky Greening Golf Tournament - A four person scramble at the Big Sky Ski and Golf Resort. Tee time is 10:15 am. Cost is $100 prior to May 16, and $125 after. Price includes transportation to the course, green fees, prizes, cart and lunch. Pin prizes and hole in one prizes will make every hole fun to play. Limited to 144 participants.

Tournament Director Mike Allen says "Please plan to come and finalize your 2003 conference with a relaxing round of golf with friends on the beautiful course located in the shadows of Lone Mountain.” He won’t guarantee that you’ll see the resident black bear, elk, or wolves, but it is possible. Contact Mike at 406-442-7703 with questions.

The conference is made possible through the support of:
Major Sponsors - UNILEVER, National Park Service, U.S. Department of Energy,
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Conference Organizers - Ethanol Producers And Consumers (EPAC),
Headwaters Cooperative Recycling (HCR),
Montana Solid Waste Contractors Association,
National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT),
Montana Department of Environmental Quality,
Montana State University Extension Service,
Yellowstone National Park