Comments to: Meeting
Programs Database ProjectPolicy and Controlled Vocabulary
Area of Expertise
Resources Offered
Air Monitoring |
Assessment Awards Bank Loans Computer Modeling Curricula Hotlines UF Telephone help lines Inspection Intern Programs Internet Grants in Aid Information Services Library Site Assessments Research Workshops |
Clients Served
Administrative agencies UF Government
4-Part Descriptive Vocabulary Model (Discussed and adopted for investigation 2/14/01)
Resources can be described and cataloged more easily and comprehensively when considering 4 categories of descriptors. These categories and preliminary list information is as follows:
Background: Controlled vocabulary relates to both the Programs Database Project and the Topic Hub Project. It affects the projects in three way: 1) how they relate to one another; 2) how data can be shared externally; 3) making data more searchable within the databases (giving more flexibility for results). Existing vocabularies contain terms commonly used to describe pollution prevention including:
P2 Thesaurus - (
NAICS/SIC (sectors) -
Alpha List of Topics (EPA) -
Terms of Environment (EPA) -
Terminology Reference System (EPA) -
The difficulty in using any of these collections is their large size which makes cataloging cumbersome, requiring trained personnel with expertise in this area. The four categories help to break down vocabularies into more manageable sizes. (Note: in May, 2001, the web group made the P2 Thesauraus available in both the Programs Database and Top Hub Database for cataloging resources.)
BASIC INFORMATION FIELDS FROM vCard STANDARD ( and Proposed "Program Type" and "Geographic Service Area" Controlled Vocabulary Submitted 8/4/2000 by Kathy Cardwell, Region 7 P2RIC Librarian
DRAFT POLICY FOR ADDING TERMS TO P2 THESAURUS - submitted 6/14/2000 by Sandy Broda, Region 5 WMRC Librarian
No matter how complete a controlled vocabulary is, it cannot hope to remain viable unless it can be modified to reflect changes in the language of practitioners and new developments in the field. Because the strength of a thesaurus lies not only in the individual terms but in the relationship between terms, the addition (or deletion) of terms from the vocabulary needs to be carefully considered and managed by a single entity that will focus on maintaining its integrity.
A committee will be formed to review additions, modifications and deletions. Terms may be submitted to the committee members at any time, but the committee will act on changes at a predetermined time (either when a certain number of terms have been suggested or on a specific date). The committee may also remind members that changes can be made and attempt to solicit new terms.
Once the terms have been suggested, the committee can meet to act on them by conference call or via e-mail. Decisions should be based not only on the value of the term, but by its relationship to other terms already in the thesaurus. For example, is the term within the scope of the thesaurus? Does it duplicate another term already in use?
SUGGESTED VOCABULARY FOR "INDUSTRIAL SECTOR" - Submitted June 21, 2000, by Andy Bray, NEWMOA, Regions 1&2 - Centers decided to use terms available in the P2 Thesaurus for the Topic Hub and Programs Database projects. Andy's list is a helpful starting point. The ability to use NAICS terms is also available. For an overview of this system, see
The list below for Industrial Sector terms is based on the P2 Thesaurus which may be found at There are three terms in the Industrial Sector list below that are not included in the P2 Thesaurus (see footnotes). If this standard is adopted, a petition would be submitted to the P2 Librarians listserv to modify the P2 Thesaurus to reflect these changes.
This shared vocabulary might be used by cataloguers to describe the industrial sector expertise of a given assistance program. This might be done by adding the industrial sector descriptor terms to a field in a database, or might be encoded into web pages using some form of XML.
Although this list has been developed with programs databases in mind, it may very easily be used to describe other types of information that P2 programs and others collect and publish online. Examples of other types of information that might be described using this proposed vocabulary are: activities, news items, training, research and publications.
Adhesives Industry and Trade Administrative Agencies Aerospace Industry Agricultural Chemicals Animal Industry Armed Forces Automobile Industry and Trade Automobiles - Auto Body Automobiles - Maintenance and Repair Beverage Industry Biomedical Materials Biotechnology Cement Industry and Trade Chemical Industry Cleaning Industries Coatings Industry Construction Industry Demolition Industry Defense Industry Educational Institutions Electronic Industry Electroplating Industry Energy Industries Farm Produce Food Industry and Trade Forest Products Furniture Industry and Trade Garment Care Glass Industry and Trade Hospitality Industry (1) Information Technology Ink Industry and Trade Jewelry Industry and Trade Laboratories |
Landscaping Industry Laundry Industry Leather Industry and Trade Machinery Industry and Trade Marinas Medical Care Metal Fabrication Metal Finishing Industry (2) Metal Industry and Trade Mineral Industry and Trade Municipal Services Paint Industry and Trade Painting Industry Petroleum Industry and Trade Pharmaceutical Industry Photographic Processing Plastics Industry and Trade Printing Pulp and Paper Industry Real Estate Refuse and Refuse Disposal Restaurants Retail Trade Rubber Industry and Trade Shipping Shipyards Stone Industry and Trade Textile Industry and Trade Tourism Transportation Wastewater Treatment (3) Water Use Woodworking Industries |
(1) Not currently in the P2 Thesaurus, but often used in the P2 community to describe activities with hotels, inns, motels, and bed and breakfasts.
(2) The Thesaurus suggests using Metal Plating Industry instead of Metal Finishing Industry, however, there is a difference between electroplating and metal finishing.
(3) The Thesaurus suggests using Sewage Treatment or Water Treatment for Wastewater Treatment, neither of which describe Industrial Wastewater Treatment. The term Wastewater Treatment encompasses both industrial and municipal treatment.
Proposed Standard for Classifying Environmental Assistance Resourcessubmitted 9/27/00 by: Paul
Chalmer, NCMS, (734) 995-4911
See also:
The purpose of this standard is to help users who are seeking environmental assistance resources to locate items appropriate to the users' needs. By providing a comprehensive framework for classifying environmental assistance resources, it will also help funding agencies formulate strategies and evaluate programs designed to enhance the environmental assistance opportunities available to individuals and businesses.
"Users" includes both those directly needing the services, and technical assistance providers locating resources on their behalf.
"Resources" includes:
The standard specifies a classification scheme for types of environmental assistance. It is intended to provide a basis for:
Environmental assistance resources are classified according to two independent criteria, with a set of categories is assigned to each criterion. Every environmental assistance resource is assigned to one category of each of the two criteria. By listing the categories for one criterion in a row, and the categories of the other criterion in a column, the sets of all possible assignments can be represented in a matrix.
The two criteria and their associated categories are as follows:
The matrix of possible combinations appears as follows. Each cell of the matrix contains the designated name for the resource type.
Operations | Administration | Executive | |
Before | Source reduction | Permit assistance | New capacity |
During | Waste minimization | Compliance assistance | Modernization |
After | Pollution control | Remediation | Crisis assistance |
Designated names are also assigned to certain combinations of these elementary types, in accordance with typical usage. Names recognized by this classification system are:
The following guidelines may be used to assign resources to categories according to the business function criterion:
The following guidelines may be used to assign resources to categories according to the business activity constraint criterion:
There are many conceivable schemes for classifying types of environmental assistance. The scheme proposed in this standard has the following properties:
The first property (scheme based on user's situation) is intended to make the classification system particularly suitable for user interfaces.
The second property (mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories) is intended to avoid ambiguity in assigning resources to categories. It should be considered an ideal to be approached rather than a goal actually achieved by this system, since completely eliminating ambiguity is probably unattainable. But the scheme is based on some underlying principles which are rooted in common practice:
The third property (preference hierarchy) is intended to embody the "ounce of prevention" philosophy. It is preferable to choose assistance as far "up" the matrix as possible, consistent with the economic and regulatory constraints on the user's activities.