May/Jun 2001
- "Services" vocabulary
approved by Centers
- Updated Programs Database with on-line entry forms and interaction
with the topic hub is created and distributed by Region 6.
- User's Guide is updated to reflect
- Task List and timeline for the
National Programs Directory is adopted.
Mar/Apr 2001 |
- Controlled
Vocabulary standards are adopted by both the web group and
the administrators. Also allows topic hub project to pull information
from the programs database for the "Where to Go For Help"
section. (Link exits this site.)
2001 |
- Proof of Concept Programs Database appears at -,
PPRC, GLRPPR, and WestP2Net (in addition to NPPR). (Greg Geyer)
- Controlled vocabulary discussion results in adoption of 4-part
model. Describing and cataloging by: sector
(related to NAICS codes), process, material, and services
2000 |
- Minor modifications made to database template based on feedback
from P2Rx Centers.
- 1st Draft Template Use Guide
created and distributed to P2Rx Web Group.
2000 |
- Database template (created by Greg Geyer) given to P2Rx Centers
without a Programs Database. Access data entry form (designed
by Fernando Parra, Region 6).
- NPPR/P2Rx pilot on-line. The NPPR Yellow Pages using data from
P2Rx Programs Databases demonstrates content sharing.
Greg Geyer contributes:
* Code to open window to various databases
* Result set from querying (preliminary format only)
* Tool for use on any web site
Sep 2000 |
Aug 2000 |
Jun 2000 |
- Policy for adding terms
to P2 Thesaurus proposed
- "Sector"
field vocabulary proposed
Mar 2000 |
Feb 2000 |
Jan/Feb 2000 |
Oct 1999 |
- Programs Database identified as a P2Rx project
at the national meeting in Washington DC. NPPR is invited to collaborate
since they are also seeking to revise the Yellow Pages.