Workshops/Events || Regional News || Grants/Awards
By Title (alphabetical order)
Advanced Technology Fund Grant Competition FY2001
The Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) is soliciting grant
proposals from higher education institutions, or qualifying public or
private entities in the State of Colorado for research, development and
technology transfer with regard to waste diversion and recycling. For more
information see:
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Agriculture Industry of the Future - DOE;
The U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho
Operations Office, anticipates issuing a solicitation within the next two
weeks seeking applications for innovative cost-shared research,
development and demonstration of technologies which will enhance economic
competitiveness, reduce energy consumption and reduce environmental
impacts in the emerging renewable bio-products industry. The research must
address high priority goals in either the processing or utilization
barrier areas identified in the Technology Roadmap for Plant/Crop-Based
Renewable Resources 2020. DOE anticipates making approximately 3 to 6
awards with total estimated DOE funding of $400,000 to $750,000 per award
a year, each with a duration of three years or less. Multi-partner
collaborations including National Laboratories are encouraged. For
more information contact Elaine Richardson, at (208) 526-2640 or see
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Air Pollution Control Program
Support (EPA)
To assist State, Tribal, Municipal, Intermunicipal, and
Interstate agencies in planning, developing, establishing, improving, and
maintaining adequate programs for prevention and control of air pollution or
implementation of national primary and secondary air quality standards.
Grant funds may be used for costs specifically incurred in the conduct of a
State/Local/Tribal Air Pollution Program in accordance with the purposes
enumerated in the approved application. These include personnel costs,
supplies, equipment, training of personnel, travel, and other necessary
expenditures during the approved project period. Funds may not be used for
construction of facilities, nor for expenses incurred other than during each
approved award period. For program information: William Houck, National Air
Grant Coordinator, State/local 202/564-1349; and David LaRoche, Senior
Advisor, Tribal 202/564-7416, Office of Air and Radiation, Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, DC 20460. Mail Code 6102A. Or visit or
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Based Solicitation Involving RD&D
The FY01 Broad Based Solicitation Involving Research, Development and
Demonstration (BBS) supports renewable energy and energy efficiency basic
& applied research, cooperative demonstrations, and related
activities. For more info, go to:
Refer to Sol# DE-PS36-01GO90000.
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The U.S. Department of Energy announces its intent to request proposals
for innovative technologies that have the potential for significant energy
savings in residential and commercial buildings. DOE seeks projects that
advance energy efficient equipment, envelope and whole building
technologies. The specific objective is to accelerate high-payoff
technologies that, because of their risk, are unlikely to be developed in a
timely manner without a partnership between industry and the Federal
government. The solicitation will not support demonstration projects to
deploy the technology on a large scale but will support proof of concept
projects. Multiple awards expected, 20% minimum cost share required. The RFP
is expected to open on or about 12/15/00 and will then be posted at:
For more info, contact John Columbia at (412) 386-6144. Refer to Sol#
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Grants from DOE
The DOE will award $8,036,000 over the next two years for
research that could lead to the development of cleaner burning fuels for
use in large-scale utility and industrial boilers. The fuels will be used
in "co-firing," a process that combines traditional fossil fuels
with biomass such as crops, trees and other agricultural and forestry
residues to create several different fuels that have significant potential
environmental benefits. For more information see
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Conservation and Stewardship of America's Private Lands
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, in
partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the National
Association of Conservation Districts, is working to support innovative and
effective conservation and stewardship of America's private lands. The
primary goal of the partnership will be to support high-quality projects
that positively engage private landowners, primarily farmers and ranchers,
in the conservation and enhancement of wildlife and natural resources on
their lands. Through the program, the foundation will combine its expertise
in supporting competitive grants programs with the NRCS and NACD's delivery
system to promote effective private lands conservation. Specifically, the
program seeks to support projects that use innovative partnerships to
compliment Farm Bill programs aimed at restoring and conserving fish and
wildlife habitat on active agricultural operations. For more information
contact 202/857-0166 or see
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Metro Grants
There will likely be a solicitation for EMPACT Metro Grants
next year. Check
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Energy and Environment Technical Assistance
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
requests proposals to provide technical assistance and advisory services to
the Center for Environment Office of Energy, Environment and Technology. Assistance is required in areas
including but not limited to: Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources;
Energy Efficiency, Utility Management, and Environmental Resource
Management; Transportation; Rural Energy Services; Climate Change;
Technology Transfer. USAID intends to award not more than three task-order
based, indefinite quantity contracts. For
more information, contact Joseph Schmidt, USAID, at (202) 712-0619. The RFP
will be released on or about 5/31/01 and will be posted at:
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Engine & Vehicle Development Engineering
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announces its intent to request proposals for a contract to provide flexible engineering support
related to vehicles and engines, with efforts focused on reducing emissions
and improving efficiency (to lower carbon dioxide emissions). Work may
include design, fabrication, development and testing support on vehicles,
engines, components, control systems, and fuel systems. The RFP is expected
to open in early February 2001. For more info, contact Donna Reinhart at
(513) 487-2114 or go to:
Refer to Sol# PR-CI-01-11610.
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Laboratory Testing Contract-DOD.
Conduct Environmental Laboratory Testing within the geographical limits of
the St. Louis District, to include but not limited to analysis of surface
water, ground water, soil, sediment, hazardous waste, solids, and
environmental samples. This is an indefinite quantity contract for a base
period (to commence upon contract award) of one year with option to renew
for up to four additional consecutive one year periods, not to exceed
$1,000,000 per year. Solicitation is anticipated to be available on or
about August 21, 2000, and may be viewed via the internet at . All
responsible sources may submit an offer which will be considered by the
agency. For more information see:
or contact Jo Ann C. Moritz at
or 314-331-8507.
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Evaluation of Periphyton-Environmental Gradients in
Western Streams (EPA)
The primary objectives are to: (1) develop the monitoring tools (biological
indicators, stream survey design, estimates of reference condition)
necessary to produce unbiased estimates of the ecological condition of
surface waters across a large geographic area (or areas) of the West; (2)
demonstrate those tools in a large-scale assessment; and (3) determine the
relative risk to surface waters from a comprehensive list of potential
To obtain a complete copy of the Request for Applications, go to and select "Doing Business With WED" from the menu. For additional
information about the research, contact Dr. John Stoddard, Western Ecology
Division, at (541) 754-4441, FAX (541) 754-4716; email: or see:
Return to Water
The Federal Commons Web Site,
recently launched by the Inter-Agency Electronic Grants Committee,
allows users to search the General Services Administration catalog of
federal grant programs.
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Funding For Watershed Protection (USEPA), 2nd Edition
This new funding Catalog presents information on 69 federal funding sources
(grants and loans) that may be used to fund watershed projects. For more
information see:
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for Watershed Protection
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Environmental Issues
The Environmental Protection Agency invites applications
for research to anticipate and analyze future environmental issues. Areas
of interest include but are not limited to studies of socio-economic causes
and consequences of future environmental change. Due dates very by topic
area, ranging from 6/18/01 - 7/11/01. For more info, contact Matthew Clark
at (202) 564-6842 or go to
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Broad Based Solicitation (DOE)
DOE announces its intent to issue an RFP for information dissemination,
public outreach, training, and related technical analysis and technical
assistance activities involving renewable energy and energy efficiency.
$2 - $3 million expected to be available for renewable energy programs;
renewable areas of interest include wind, hydrogen, and geothermal technologies.
$3 - $4 million expected to be available for energy efficiency programs;
efficiency areas of interest include transportation, buildings, and industrial
sectors. The RFP is expected to open in mid-November 2000. Once issued,
the solicitation will be available at:
For more info, contact Barry Page at 1-800-683-0751.
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Foundation Minority Scholarship--The
Gates Millennium Scholars Program,
administered by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), will provide scholarships
and fellowships for outstanding low-income African-American, Native American,
Hispanic American, and Asian American students to attend the undergraduate
and graduate institutions of their choice. The program offers scholarships
starting with the 2000-2001 academic year. You can also obtain information
on the Gates Millennium Scholarship Program from the Minority
On-Line Information Service (MOLIS). Click on the "Notices/News"
button on the left column and then choose the "Gates Millennium Scholars
Program" from the list of stories.
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for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (DOA)
The Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension
Service (CSREES) announces the availability of grant funds and requests
proposals for the Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems Program
(IFAFS) for fiscal year (FY) 2001 to support competitively awarded research,
extension and education grants addressing key issues of national and regional
importance to agriculture, forestry, and related topics. The amount available
for support of this program in FY 2001 is approximately $113,400,000.
Applicants and other interested parties are encouraged to contact the
Program Director Dr. Rodney Foil, Director IFAFS, at (202) 720-4423; e-mail:; or Dr.
Sally Rockey, Deputy Administrator, at (202) 401-1761 e-mail:, or check the CSREES
website at,
under ``funding opportunities,'' or
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Projects to Improve Air Quality and Reduce Greenhouse Gases (EPA)
EPA announces the availability of funds and solicits proposals from state,
local, multi-state, and tribal agencies involved with climate change and
transportation/air quality issues, for pilot projects that have a high
potential to spur innovations in the reduction of transportation-related
emissions and vehicle miles traveled (VMT), at the local level and throughout
the United States. EPA is particularly interested in projects that incorporate
at least one of the following: smart growth efforts that reduce transportation-related
emissions, commuter choice, and cleaner vehicles/green fleets (as described
elsewhere in this solicitation). To this purpose, EPA will make available
financial assistance ranging from $50,000 up to $300,000 to each recipient,
in the form of cooperative agreements. EPA hopes to make at least one
award to a qualifying tribal agency, and at least one more award to a
qualifying multi-state agency, depending upon the merits of the proposals
received. For more information contact Mary Walsh at or see:
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and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement
Nominations are invited for this annual award for environmental science,
energy, and medicine "conferring great benefit upon mankind. The
$200K prize is awarded for work in the following areas: The protection,
maintenance, improvement or understanding of an ecological or an environmental
condition anywhere in the world; the discovery, further development, improvement,
or understanding of known or new sources of energy; and medical discoveries
or achievements with implications that significantly benefit environmental
aspects of human health worldwide. For more info, contact Linda Duguay,
USC, at (213) 740-9760 or go to:
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The JoMiJo Foundation supports grassroots projects that improve the
quality of people's lives or preserves the earth's natural environment.
In 2000, the foundation awarded $63K in 21 grants.
Grants range from $3K to $5K. For more info, go to
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Contract Support for EPA's Pollution Prevention Program
The Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics has chosen
to categorize its Pollution Prevention efforts in the following four general
program areas: (1) Business practices; (2) Pollution prevention practices
associated with a select group of Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic
(PBT) chemicals; (3) Communication and Outreach, including EPA regional
and State P2 activities; and (4) Environmentally-Preferable Purchasing.
The specific task areas included in the SOW will be expressed according
to these four program areas in addition to a fifth area (5) Electronic
Deliverables. The solicitation will be available on or about February
20, 2001. You may contact Contracting Officer, Robert G. Krumhansl, at
Please include the following: Company name, address, phone number, business
class, and e-mail address. Click here for further information on this
or see
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Supporting Science and Enabling Technologies for Clean Fuels Program Proposal
The U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory
(NETL) seeks proposals that create strategic partnerships targeted at
the development and verification of advanced fuel-making processes that
utilize stable fossil resources. These processes will enable the production
of clean transportation fuels that improve the environment, while also
expanding and diversifying the fossil resource base. DOE anticipates $100
million will be available. 20% cost share required. Multiple awards up
to $5 million each are anticipated. The final solicitation is expected
to open in 3/01. For more info, contact Larry D. Gillham, NETL, at
or review the draft solicitation at
Refer to Sol# DE-PS26-01NT41114.
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Funding Guide for Small Community Governments
"Keys to Successful Funding" is a publication
that describes the major components of successful proposals for public
and private financial assistance. It identifies major federal and foundation
grant and information sources. For more information contact 202/624-3550
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Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA)
NEEA is accepting unsolicited proposals for innovative
ways to save electricity in the NW region by making products and services
that use energy more efficiently available and affordable to consumers
and businesses in ID, MT, OR and WA. For more info, contact Susan Hermenet
at (800) 411-0834 ext. 225 or go to:
of Science Opportunities
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, announces its continuing
interest in receiving grant applications for support of work which includes
but is not limited to: Basic Energy and Energy Research Analyses. DOE
anticipates $400 million will be available for these grants and cooperative
agreements in FY01. Applications accepted any time. For more info, go
Refer to Notice 01-01.
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Prevention Grants Program (EPA)
Grants to support State and tribal environmental assistance activities
that address preventative approaches to the generation and management
of pollutants across all environmental media:
air, land, and water. The Pollution Prevention Grant Program has
several discrete grant programs administered by the Office of Prevention,
Pesticides and Toxic Substances in the EPA. Funds awarded under these
programs are focused to support innovative activities that promote preventative
approaches to environmental performance and address the transfer of potentially
harmful pollutants across all media: air, land, and water. These programs
support the establishment and expansion of State pollution prevention
programs and address various sectors of concern such as industrial toxics,
agriculture, energy, transportation, etc. For program information contact:
Pollution Prevention Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics,
MC7409, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania, Ave.,
NW., Washington, DC 20460 at 202/260-3480, or see: or
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Prevention Grants and Announcement of Financial Assistance Programs DEADLINE:
The deadlines for submission of applications and proposals for funding
will be set by each EPA region. Contact the EPA Regional Pollution Prevention
Coordinator for specific dates. [Federal
Register December 16, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 241)]. This notice announces
that EPA expects to have approximately $5 million available in fiscal
year 2000 grant/cooperative agreement funds under the Pollution Prevention
Incentives for States (PPIS) grant program. Grants/cooperative agreements
will be awarded under the authority of the Pollution Prevention Act of
1990. The Pollution Prevention Act provides funds to state and tribal
programs that address the reduction or elimination of pollution across
all environmental media (air, land, and water) and to strengthen the efficiency
and effectiveness of State technical assistance programs in providing
source reduction information to businesses. This notice also establishes
the criteria to be used by applicants to draft funding proposals. For
more information contact Christopher
Kent or call 202/260-3480, or see
These documents will also be available at the P2 site
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Incentives for States Grant Funds Available
EPA has announced the availability of funds for the Pollution Prevention
Incentives for States Grant Program. Through this grant program, EPA provides
matching funds to state and tribal programs with the goal of building
the capability of these programs to assist businesses and industries in
identifying better strategies for complying with environmental regulations.
PPIS also aims to improve business competitiveness without increasing
environmental impacts. The majority of PPIS grants fund state-based projects
for technical assistance, training, outreach, education, regulatory integration,
data collection, research, demonstration projects, and recognition programs.
Find out more about the PPIS Grant Program at:
or contact Christopher Kent, (202) 260-3480 or by e-mail at
Return to Environmental Education
Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change: K-12 Education
To promote awareness and understanding of the potential impacts
of climate variability and change, NASA's Earth Science Enterprise and
EPA's Office of Environmental Education sponsored the Institute for Global
Environmental Strategies (IGES) to develop a suite of K-12 learning activities.
These learning activities draw on the findings of the U.S. Global Change
Research Program's National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of
Climate Variability and Change. IGES is soliciting proposals for innovative
projects that incorporate and promote the use of these peer-reviewed climate
change education materials for formal and informal education purposes.
The solicitation notice, learning activities, and application procedures
can be reviewed on line at
or contact: Stacey Rudolph at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies,
703-875-8634 or
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for Conservation
by Anheuser-Busch and developed by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation,
these scholarships will support and promote research or study by outstanding
college and graduate students studying the nation’s wildlife and their
habitat. For more information contact Meg Snyder at 202/857-5676 or see
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Waste Funding--A Guide to Federal Assistance
web page describes a variety of funding sources for solid waste research
and management programs available to state and local governments, the
general public, and small businesses. This funding is available from the
U.S. EPA and other federal agencies. View this web page at
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Solid Waste Management Grants (DOA), DEADLINE: December 31, 2001
Grants to reduce or eliminate pollution of water resources
and improve planning and management of solid waste disposal facilities
in rural areas. Funds may be used to: Evaluate current landfill conditions
to determine threats to water resources in rural areas; provide technical
assistance and/or training to enhance operator skills in the maintenance
and operation of active landfills in rural areas; provide technical assistance
and/or training to help associations reduce the solid waste stream; and
provide technical assistance and/or training for operators of landfills
in rural areas which are closed or will be closed in the near future with
the development/implementation of closure plans, future land use plans,
safety and maintenance planning, and closure scheduling within permit
requirements. For more info contact: Assistant Administrator, Water and
Waste Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agriculture, Washington,
DC 20250 at 202/690-2670 or visit
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Harwood Training Grant Program
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) awards funds to nonprofit organizations to conduct safety and health
training and education in the workplace. This notice announces grant availability
for two different types of Susan Harwood Training Grants. Strategic Plan
Grants support training in occupational safety and health programs for
several different industries targeted in OSHA's Strategic Plan. Institutional
Competency Building Grants assist organizations to develop their occupational
safety and health training, education and related assistance capacity
over a three-to-five year competency building period. For more information
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Technical Agricultural Assistance,
To identify and apply the most appropriate solutions to international
agricultural problems, and to increase the capabilities of U.S. educational
institutions and nonprofit agencies in agricultural research and technical
assistance. For more information see:
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Tribal Colleges Education Grants Program:
This grants program is designed to promote and strengthen higher
education instruction in the food and agricultural sciences at the thirty
Tribal Colleges designated as 1994 Land-Grant Institutions in the Equity
in Educational Land-Grant Status Act of 1994. Plans of Work focus on undergraduate
and/or graduate studies in the food and agricultural sciences in one or
more of the following areas: Curricula Design and Materials Development;
Faculty Development; Preparation for Teaching; Instruction Delivery Systems;
Student Experiential Learning; Equipment and Instrumentation for Teaching;
Student Recruitment and Retention. All thirty 1994 Institutions are eligible
for the annual $50,000 project award upon approval of a Plan of Work.
For further information on Tribal Colleges Education Equity Grants Program
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Consumption and Reuse in Heterogeneous Industrial Districts--Contact:
Guizzardi, Progetto Europa
- Modena Town Council. The
aim of the project is to propose an analysis methodology of water consumption
and reuse in heterogeneous industrial districts. This methodology will
be preparatory for the feasibility assessment for the installation of
purification plants and water reuse systems in industrial districts. Each
partner will select a water intensive industrial district according to
some specifications agreed within the project.
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