Region 8 Pollution Prevention Assistance ProvidersIf your non-profit or governmental organization provides pollution prevention technical
or compliance assistance to business and industry in Region 8, we would like to list you
in this directory. Submit information as listed below to the e-mail address on the left.
To view directory information for any of the following, click below:
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment - Pollution Prevention
Unit The Colorado Pollution Prevention Program offers information and technical assistance
including: free, confidential onsite assessments; telephone consultations;
industry-specific fact sheets and case studies; training programs and technical workshops;
a resource library; presentations to trade and industrial organizations; program
development and support for local governments and tribes; and grants for entities involved
in providing pollution prevention educational activities and technical assistance. Colorado Pollution Prevention Partnership This partnership is a non-profit, voluntary alliance of government, business, and
public interest groups organized to develop and promote pollution prevention and waste
minimization in Colorado industries. In the partnership's initial successful effort,
industry members implemented a program of voluntary goals for solvent reduction. Recently,
it commissioned "A Survey of the Pollution Prevention Habits and Needs of Colorado's
Small- and Medium-Sized Businesses." Partners for a Clean Environment (PACE) PACE is a voluntary, non-regulatory program which offers free pollution prevention
education and technical assistance to Boulder County businesses. The program is a
cooperative effort of the City of Boulder, Boulder County Health Department, Boulder
Energy Conservation Center, and Boulder Chamber of Commerce. Services include
industry-specific focus groups, workshops, on-site assessments, certification programs,
telephone help-line at 303-786-PACE and an on-line database to P2 information. Colorado Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) SBAPs have been established in each state to help small businesses comply with
requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Small businesses affected include but
are not limited to: agricultural chemical applicators, asphalt manufacturers and
applicators, auto body shops, bakeries, dry cleaners, foundries, furniture manufacture and
repair, gasoline service stations, general contractors, hospitals, lumber mills, metal
finishers, newspapers, pest control operators, photo finishing labs, print shops, service
and repair, and wood finishers. Technical assistance offered includes: informing
businesses of applicable Clean Air Act requirements and helping them deal with specific
technical, administrative and compliance problems; disseminating up-to-date information
about the Clean Air Act; and referring businesses to environmental auditors who can help
them evaluate a company's work practices, monitoring procedures, and record-keeping.
Montana State University Extension Service 111 Taylor Hall, PO Box 173580, Bozeman, MT 59717-3580 Phone: 406-994-3451, Fax: 406-994-5417 Contact: Michael P. Vogel, Director Website: The Montana Pollution Prevention Program is a non-regulatory, technical assistance
program dedicated to serving waste reduction needs of Montana small businesses, consumers,
tribes and local governments. The program provides personal assistance by telephone,
on-site assessment visits to small businesses, industry specific workshops, publications,
fact sheets and newsletters, a resource loan library to Montana residents, and small
business recognition for pollution prevention efforts (inquire about the EcoStar Program). Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Pollution Prevention Bureau The Pollution Prevention Bureau assists Montana citizens, local
governments, and businesses in reducing or preventing pollution and managing wastes. The
Bureau provides on-site analysis and advice for small business owners in meeting
environmental regulations; develops and implements strategies and plans to protect
groundwater, improve and restore wetlands, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and
encourages transportation demand-side management and sustainability in building design and
government operations. The Bureau also researches and oversees demonstrations of new
technologies that reduce pollution and improve energy efficiency in transportation;
promotes source reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting; assists in creating new uses
and markets for Montanas waste resources; and educates the public about voluntary
ways to manage resources and operations to reduce this pollution. Montana Manufacturing Extension Center The Montana Manufacturing Extension Center (MMEC) provides small and mid-sized
manufacturers with access to tools and resources to help them adopt performance-improving
technologies. The MMEC has five field offices serving the state and offers
educational seminars and on-site assistance. MMEC is affiliated with the NIST
Manufacturing Extension Partnership. Montana Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) SBAPs have been established in each state to help small businesses comply with
requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Small businesses affected include but
are not limited to: agricultural chemical applicators, asphalt manufacturers and
applicators, auto body shops, bakeries, dry cleaners, foundries, furniture manufacture and
repair, gasoline service stations, general contractors, hospitals, lumber mills, metal
finishers, newspapers, pest control operators, photo finishing labs, print shops, service
and repair, and wood finishers. Technical assistance offered includes: informing
businesses of applicable Clean Air Act requirements and helping them deal with specific
technical, administrative and compliance problems; disseminating up-to-date information
about the Clean Air Act; and referring businesses to environmental auditors who can help
them evaluate a company's work practices, monitoring procedures, and record-keeping. The Watercourse Program The Watercourse is a not-for-profit water science and education program. Specializing
in the development of educational materials on water and water-related management issues,
The Watercourse distributes these materials through training workshops and institutes. The
scope of the program is international, its delivery unbiased, and its mission is to build
informed leadership in resource decision-making. The Watercourse co-sponsors Project WET,
a water science and education program for formal and non-formal educators. Midwest Assistance Program, Inc.
The Midwest Assistance Program, Inc. (MAP) is a private, non-profit organization
created in 1979 to help small, rural communities address water and wastewater concerns
involving system development, management and rehabilitation. In 1987, the scope of MAP's
assistance expanded to include solid waste management and market development. Small rural
communities and other entities such as mobile home parks, water and sewer districts, and
unincorporated areas are beneficiaries of MAP's no cost technical assistance and training. Fort Peck Tribes Environmental Protection Office U.S. EPA Region 8 - Montana Office
North Dakota Department of Health The small business assistance program of the North Dakota Department of Health offers
non-regulatory help to consumers, businesses and agricultural producers by providing
on-site assessments, technical assistance, training, a material exchange program, and
compliance assistance. This office also helps small businesses comply with requirements of
the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Technical assistance offered includes: informing
businesses of applicable Clean Air Act requirements and helping them deal with specific
technical, administrative and compliance problems; disseminating up-to-date information
about the Clean Air Act; and referring businesses to environmental auditors who can help
them evaluate a company's work practices, monitoring procedures, and record-keeping. Midwest Assistance Program, Inc. The Midwest Assistance Program, Inc. (MAP) is a private, non-profit organization
created in 1979 to help small, rural communities address water and wastewater concerns
involving system development, management and rehabilitation. In 1987, the scope of MAP's
assistance expanded to include solid waste management and market development. Small rural
communities and other entities such as mobile home parks, water and sewer districts, and
unincorporated areas are beneficiaries of MAP's no cost technical assistance and training.
North Dakota State University Institute for Business & Industry Development University of North Dakota Innovation & Business Development Center University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center
South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources South Dakota's P2 Program is located in the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) Water Resources Assistance Program. The South Dakota P2 program
specializes in providing source reduction technical assistance and information to the
agricultural sector and rural communities. Other program initiatives provide assistance
and information to small and mid-sized businesses and manufacturers. The program works
through internal and external partnerships to deliver source reduction strategies to the
state's citizens. Internal project partners include DENR's media programs and the
Department of Agriculture. External partners include South Dakota State University
Cooperative Extension Service, School of Mines and Technology, resource conservation and
development districts, municipalities, and trade associations. Midwest Assistance Program, Inc. The Midwest Assistance Program, Inc. (MAP) is a private, non-profit organization
created in 1979 to help small, rural communities address water and wastewater concerns
involving system development, management and rehabilitation. In 1987, the scope of MAP's
assistance expanded to include solid waste management and market development. Small rural
communities and other entities such as mobile home parks, water and sewer districts, and
unincorporated areas are beneficiaries of MAP's no cost technical assistance and training.
South Dakota Small Business Assistance Program SBAPs have been established in each state to help small businesses comply with
requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Small businesses affected include but
are not limited to: agricultural chemical applicators, asphalt manufacturers and
applicators, auto body shops, bakeries, dry cleaners, foundries, furniture manufacture and
repair, gasoline service stations, general contractors, hospitals, lumber mills, metal
finishers, newspapers, pest control operators, photo finishing labs, print shops, service
and repair, and wood finishers. Technical assistance offered includes: informing
businesses of applicable Clean Air Act requirements and helping them deal with specific
technical, administrative and compliance problems; disseminating up-to-date information
about the Clean Air Act; and referring businesses to environmental auditors who can help
them evaluate a company's work practices, monitoring procedures, and record-keeping.
Pollution Prevention Program PO Box 144810, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4810 Phone: 801-536-4477, Fax: 801-536-0061 Contact: Sonja Wallace, Pollution Prevention Coordinator Website: The Utah Pollution Prevention Program provides compliance and technical assistance,
training and educational opportunities to citizens and businesses in Utah. They also offer
a pollution prevention awards program. Industry expertise includes but is not limited to:
agriculture, air quality, auto repair, autobody, dry cleaning, energy conservation, local
government, manufacturing, metal finishing, mining, painting, printing, wastewater
treatment, and water quality. Utah Environmental Resource Network The Utah Environmental Resource Network is a U.S. Department of Commerce/NIST-funded
project designed to collect and compile environmental resource information for small
manufacturers. The web site offers a wood manufacturing resource page, a resource database
of public and private environmental resources, Utah environmental regulatory resources,
links to other pollution prevention tools, case studies and more. Utah Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) SBAPs have been established in each state to help small businesses comply with
requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Small businesses affected include but
are not limited to: agricultural chemical applicators, asphalt manufacturers and
applicators, auto body shops, bakeries, dry cleaners, foundries, furniture manufacture and
repair, gasoline service stations, general contractors, hospitals, lumber mills, metal
finishers, newspapers, pest control operators, photo finishing labs, print shops, service
and repair, and wood finishers. Technical assistance offered includes: informing
businesses of applicable Clean Air Act requirements and helping them deal with specific
technical, administrative and compliance problems; disseminating up-to-date information
about the Clean Air Act; and referring businesses to environmental auditors who can help
them evaluate a company's work practices, monitoring procedures, and record-keeping.
Office of Outreach and Environmental Assistance 122 West 25th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001-3004 Phone: 307-777-6105, Fax: 307-777-5973 Contact: Steve Roseberry, Pollution Prevention Coordinator Website: The DEQ Office of Outreach & Environmental Assistance was created to provide
environmental information and assistance to the businesses, municipalities and citizens of
Wyoming in a non-threatening, non-regulatory manner. In addition to a wide range of
informational resources, the office provides copies of rules and regulations, public
presentations and displays, personal visits to businesses, as well as answers to telephone
inquiries. The Pollution Prevention Program provides information on new technologies,
regulatory assistance, and improved procedures and materials substitutions that can
eliminate sources of pollution, save money and reduce a business's regulatory burden.
Assistance is provided confidentially. Midwest Assistance Program, Inc.
The Midwest Assistance Program, Inc. (MAP) is a private, non-profit organization
created in 1979 to help small, rural communities address water and wastewater concerns
involving system development, management and rehabilitation. In 1987, the scope of MAP's
assistance expanded to include solid waste management and market development. Small rural
communities and other entities such as mobile home parks, water and sewer districts, and
unincorporated areas are beneficiaries of MAP's no cost technical assistance and training.
Wyoming Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) SBAPs have been established in each state to help small businesses comply with
requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Small businesses affected include but
are not limited to: agricultural chemical applicators, asphalt manufacturers and
applicators, auto body shops, bakeries, dry cleaners, foundries, furniture manufacture and
repair, gasoline service stations, general contractors, hospitals, lumber mills, metal
finishers, newspapers, pest control operators, photo finishing labs, print shops, service
and repair, and wood finishers. Technical assistance offered includes: informing
businesses of applicable Clean Air Act requirements and helping them deal with specific
technical, administrative and compliance problems; disseminating up-to-date information
about the Clean Air Act; and referring businesses to environmental auditors who can help
them evaluate a company's work practices, monitoring procedures, and record-keeping.
Rocky Mountain Arsenal Building 111, Commerce City, CO 80022-1748 Phone: 303-289-0117, Fax: 303-289-0272 Contact: Tim Blume, Regional Environmental Coordinator Website: The Army Regional Environmental Offices are dedicated to enhancing readiness and improving quality of life through sound stewardship of the environment. This office provides Army Coordination for Regions VIII, IX and X and is DoD Lead for Region VIII. Efforts focus on various regulatory matters of interest to or in support of Army installation environmental efforts. Essential tasks are to coordinate region-wide issues, provide review, analysis and comment on proposed and existing state regulations, facilitate partnering with states by articulating DoD/Army Positions, and publicize and share success stories and innovations. If you would like to browse meeting minutes about DoD's efforts to partner with other P2 providers in Region 8, click here. Other Department of Defense P2 Resources: Colorado/DOD P2 Network - Vehicle Maintenance
Staff Assistance Visit Report DENIX (Defense Environmental Network Information Exchange) - Parts of the site are not accessible to the public but the library portion (URL below) is and includes on-line resources in many categories including pollution prevention for businesses. The Joint Service Pollution Prevention Technical Library is comprised of three main elements - the Joint Service P2 Opportunities Handbook, the P2 Equipment Program (PPEP) Book, and the Environmental Products Catalog. The Joint Services P2 Opportunities Handbook identifies "off-the-shelf" pollution prevention technologies, management practices, and process changes that reduce the amount of hazardous waste and solid waste being generated at joint service industrial facilities. The P2 Equipment Program (PPEP) Book identifies commercially available pollution prevention equipment that is being evaluated or purchased by the Navy. The Environmental Products Catalog suggests nonhazardous or less hazardous alternatives to previously used products or processes. Fielding
Environmental Solutions is an e-mail newsletter provided by the U.S. Army
Environmental Centers (USAEC) Pollution Prevention and Environmental Technology
Division (P2&ETD). The purpose of this service is to provide information on recently
published documents, field demonstrations of innovative technologies, and highlight
technology transfer efforts of the P2&ETD. Important messages will be disseminated
through an e-mail approximately once a month. This will highlight new publications and
events of interest to site remediation and site assessment professionals. This free
service will be a method of bridging the gap between the developers, regulators, and users
of innovative technologies. This link provides subscribing information and an archive of
back issues. |