Error Occurred While Processing Request

Error Diagnostic Information

ODBC Error Code = S1000 (General error)

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Can't open database '(unknown)'. It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.

Hint: The cause of this error is usually either (1) You have used an incorrect data source name, or (2) You have changed the location of your data source either by moving it or renaming one of its parent directories. After moving a data source make sure you update its attributes using the ColdFusion Administrator.

SQL = "Select Subsection_Name, Topic_Hub, Center_URL From Hub_Subsection, Hubs Where Subsection_ID = 7 And Hub_Subsection.Hub_ID = Hubs.Hub_ID And Hub_Subsection.Hub_ID = 804"

Data Source = "R8HUB"

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFQUERY), occupying document position (28:1) to (28:62) in the template file E:\web\PeakstoPrairies\topichub\Application.cfm.

Date/Time: 01/07/04 21:02:09
Browser: ia_archiver
Remote Address:
Query String: hub=804&subsec=7