EPA and State P2
Program Reports

Collaborating to Sustain Our Western Quality of Life...

EPA Region 8 Pollution Prevention Roundtable
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
September 6-8, 2000

Back to Roundtable 2000 Report


Small Business Assistance

The P2 Bureau’s Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) recently hosted the Small Business Ombudsmen/Small Business Assistance Program (SBO/SBAP) National Conference and Training Event on June 20 through 22, 2000.  The event was held in Missoula, Montana and included one full day of specialized training that was held prior to the conference on June 19, 2000.  Karen Ekstrom, Small Business Ombudsman for DEQ, served as the Project Manager/Project Director for the conference and coordinated all planning, support, and implementation of conference activities.  The event included 3 general sessions, 41 breakout sessions, and 4 pre-conference training sessions.  A total of 191 people attended the conference, representing 44 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia.  Post-conference evaluations rated the event an overwhelming success in part due to several innovative conference “firsts,” including a website, online registration, and shared meeting space that allowed for open communication and relationship building with the pollution prevention organization P2RX.

In addition to hosting the national conference, DEQ’s SBAP continues to represent the interests of small businesses throughout the state by reviewing and commenting on regulations that impact small businesses and by providing technical assistance directly to small businesses.  Under a grant from EPA, the P2 Bureau’s SBAP is currently evaluating a variety of marketing strategies for outreach to Montana’s small business community in light of small business needs related to P2 and environmental compliance.

Source Water Protection, Groundwater Planning, and Wetlands Conservation

Another primary responsibility of the P2 Bureau is administering the Source Water Protection Program (SWPP), which was approved by EPA in November of 1999. Through the SWPP, the P2 Bureau continues to provide assistance to more than 2,000 public water systems in Montana for which a delineation and assessment report must be completed in the next few years. The P2 Bureau's goal is to have the majority of communities complete a source water protection plan in addition to the required delineations and assessments for their public water supplies.  The assessment part of the SWPP identifies businesses, other sites, or certain land uses within the delineated area that may pose a potential risk of contamination because of the chemicals or processes used.  These businesses will be targeted for P2 assistance by Bureau staff and others at DEQ.  

The P2 Bureau also provides oversight to several local water quality districts in their efforts to address water quality issues like source water planning and hazardous waste management.  Further, through continued coordination with the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) and other DEQ programs, the P2 Bureau remains involved in groundwater planning activities throughout Montana.  The Bureau continues to manage the wetland grants program, facilitate the statewide Wetlands Council, coordinate the completion of a baseline inventory of wetlands in Montana, and encourage and support the integration of wetland restoration projects into other DEQ and state government programs.  

Bioenergy and Transportation Activities

The P2 Bureau has continued to research, demonstrate, and promote alternative transportation fuels and modes of transportation, especially with regard to the use of biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel.  Working with Yellowstone National Park, the Greater Yellowstone Teton Clean Cities Coalition, and others, the P2 Bureau has continued its efforts to evaluate and recommend alternative fuels and modes of transportation to reduce traffic, congestion, and air pollution in the region.  Recent efforts culminated in the Society of Automotive Engineers Clean Snowmobile Challenge (CSC) 2000 in which college students competed to reduce the environmental effects of two-cycle snowmobile engines. 

Waste Reduction and Recycling

The P2 Bureau works to reduce the amount of material that goes into Montana landfills by investigating, supporting, and encouraging measures that prevent pollution before it can occur. The Bureau endorses an integrated approach to waste management by promoting the reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting of wastes prior to landfilling or incineration.  The Bureau currently is updating its Integrated Waste Management Plan and evaluating Montana’s progress in meeting waste reduction goals that were set forth in 1994.  The P2 Bureau also concentrates on expanding the types and amounts of materials that are recycled in Montana and developing markets for reusable and recyclable products.  The Bureau has continued developing markets for recycled glass in Montana and supporting and promoting Pay-As-You-Throw solid waste pricing ventures throughout the state.  New projects have included assisting wood waste generators to develop alternatives to landfill disposal, acting as the statewide contact for America Recycles Day, and investigating the feasibility of electronics recycling in the state.  Further, the Bureau recently compiled a statewide directory of recycled products and initiated efforts to identify and implement strategies to reduce waste in state government offices.  Finally, work continues on a new initiative to demonstrate construction materials or techniques that can reduce job site wastes or reduce the resources needed to manufacture and transport materials used in new home construction.

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South Dakota Report
Region VIII P2 Roundtabl

The South Dakota P2 Program is housed in the Department of Environment and Natural Resource’s (DENR) Watershed Protection Program. Multimedia P2 assistance to the department’s internal and external customers is provided through partnerships with DENR’s media program staff, the academic community and local, state and federal resource management and environmental agencies. Assistance is currently directed toward three population sectors: 

Agriculture, Rural communities and Business/Industry

The priority sectors and projects developed and implemented for each sector are selected to address and/or complement:

  1. Priority issues identified in the SD-EPA Performance Partnership Agreement.

  2. Requests for assistance received from:  the regulated community, other governmental agencies and DENR media programs.

  3. Pollution Prevention Program requirements.     

  4. Region VIII P2 Roundtable activities.

South Dakota’s P2 program and project are funded using a combination of federal, state and local funds. Primary sources of funds accessed by source are:

  1. Federal: Pollution Prevention Incentives to States Grant Program, 104(b)(3) Program Grant Program, Media program funding included in the Performance Partnership Grant and Agency budgets.

  2.  State: General Funds and  Fee funds

  3.  Local: Agency budgets and Private organization budgets and member in-kind services.

The following table contains a summary of current and recently completed P2 projects.  Presentations and exhibits at professional and interest group meetings and conferences such as the SD Cattleman’s Association, SD Math and Science Teachers Association and SD Rural Water Association are not shown in the table.   

    South Dakota Pollution Prevention Projects Through Partnerships






    Arsenic in Drinking Water

    Drinking Water

    SD School of Mines & Technology

    Develop and test a low cost method to  reduce arsenic in drinking water

    Clean Sweep

    Waste Management

    SD Solid Waste Association

    SD Department. of Ag

    City of Vermillion


    Develop and field test a program model small comminutes can use to economically remove PBT and other hazardous substances from homes and small businesses

    Onsite Waste Water Treatment

    Ground Water Watershed Protection


    Resources Conservation and Development Dist.

    SDSU Ext. Service


    Onsite system training and formation for system installers and maintenance firms, governmental officials and the public

    Small City Storm Water P2



    Surface Water Quality

    SD Chapter, American Public Works Assoc.

    Two small cities

    Develop P2 based model stormwater management Plans for small cities

    Industrial Assessment

    Waste Management

    SD School of Mines and Technology

    Produce a P2 assessment manual and provide small manufacturers with onsite P2 assistance

    Acid Rock Passivation

    Minerals & Mining

    U of Nevada, Reno


    Test feasibility of using passivation technology to prevent acid mine drainage

    Silvculture BMPs

    Watershed Protection

    Black Hills Forest Resource Assoc.

    SD Department of Ag.

    SDSU Ext. Service

    Timber Industry

    Training in the use of sustainable forestry practices and field audits to determine use and effectiveness of BMPs

    Precision Farming

    Watershed Protection


    SD Department. of Ag


    Introduce and promote site specific farming practices that reduce pollution and improve profitability

    Managing Manure for Profit and the Environment

    Surface Water Quality

    Watershed Protection

    SD Department of Ag



    Conservation Districts

    Resource Conservation and Development Dist.

    SD Cattleman’s Assoc.

    SD Pork Producers

    Watershed Projects


    Strategy developed to reduce environmental impacts associated with AFOs/CAFOs using source reduction BMPs. Projects in the strategy include: AFO/CAFO operation training, videos, exhibits, publications, electronic and print media, Phosphorus-based nutrient management, AFO/CAFO self-audits, grazing management

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    Wyoming Report
    Region 8 P2 Roundtable

    The Wyoming P2 Program is within the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality in the non-regulatory Office of Outreach and Environmental Assistance. The program hired a new coordinator, Steve Roseberry, in December, 1999. The existing projects outlined in the PPIS grant will be completed as well as looking at a new direction for P2 in the state. Small business P2 assistance has been the mainstay of the program however, we hope to broaden the scope and acceptance of P2 as the environmental practice of first choice through intense outreach to government agencies, NGO’s, and the public sectors involved with environmental quality issues as well regulatory integration into the daily activities of Wyoming DEQ.

    Activities are summarized as follows:

    - A 30 second television PSA about Wyoming DEQ and P2 was aired throughout the state.

    - A contract was entered into with Mid America Manufacturing Technology Center (MAMTC) to provide on site P2 evaluations and assistance to 10 small business in the state. These assessments will be used as case studies to document the value of P2 practices.

    - A contract was entered into with The Institute of Science, Ecology, and Environment (ISEE) to develop the protocol for mobile dynamometer air and noise emission testing of snowmobile engines using alternative fuels and statistically valid laboratory analysis. This project will be the utilized at the Clean Snowmobile Challenge 2001 in Jackson, Wyoming in March, 2001. Many partners were solicited for this project including Wyoming DEQ, Montana DEQ, Society of Automotive Engineers International, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, The Town of Jackson, Wyoming Snowmobile Assoc., the Flagg Ranch, the 15 participating universities and the student teams, and many others to numerous to mention but important to success of the project.

    - Many outreach programs and workshops highlighting P2 practices were presented throughout the state to groups such as The Wyoming Solid Managers and Recycling Assoc., Wyoming Assoc. Of Conservation Districts, Wyoming Rural Water Systems Assoc., Wyoming Water Quality and Pollution Control Assoc., Wyoming Teachers Assoc., Wyoming Assoc. for Environmental Education, Wyoming Small Business Development Council, Wyoming Extension Showcase on Technology, Wyoming Assoc. of Municipalities, University of Wyoming Regulated Materials Management Center, City of Laramie Industrial Wastewater Pre-Treatment plant, Cities of Lander, Cody, Laramie, Cheyenne, Riverton, and Casper Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events, Wyoming Hunting and Fishing Heritage Expo as well as several school programs.

    - Publication 3 times per year of The Environmental Assistant which is the newsletter of the Wyoming DEQ published and edited by the coordinator for the P2 Program and obviously is directed toward advancing the acceptance of P2 as the practice of first choice for protection of our environmental quality.

    - Of equal importance to the mission of the Wyoming DEQ’s P2 program is individual on-site introductions of the P2 program to businesses throughout the state. On every monthly travel itinerary throughout the state is a goal of stopping in at least 30 businesses to introduce myself and the P2 Program to offer P2 information and assistance.


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    The Montana Pollution Prevention Program, part of the Montana State University Extension Service, has experienced another busy year of service to Montana’s small businesses and individuals. We have strengthened our relationship with our P2 partners, expanded our universe of clients, and continued several of our noteworthy programs.

    P2 Partners: We have continued our interaction with our network of partners, particularly trade associations, individual businesses, government agencies, and non-governmental agencies. During the year, we contacted several businesses journals and trade publications for their interest in unsolicited articles, and targeted advertisements were placed in special-interest editions, some reaching over 17,000 Montana businesses in a single printing.

    EcoStar: EcoStar, the MTP2 recognition program for environmentally conscious businesses, has completed its fourth year of operation. In calendar year 2000, 22 small businesses were honored for their P2 and resource conservation efforts. The EcoStar program was expanded this year to include nominated businesses and individuals who have made special contributions to P2 efforts in the state. Four individuals and two businesses were so honored this year.

    Local Government: The "P2 Guidebook for Local Governments" is currently under final review. When complete, the guidebook will be distributed to all county governments and most municipal governments in the state. As an incentive to implement P2 into local government operations, a Local Government EcoStar program is also being developed.

    STAR: The STAR (Spray Technique Analysis and Research) Program provided its first training in Montana during 2000. Designed to assist spray painters with increasing their efficiency, this program was initially developed by the Iowa Waste Reduction Center. With the assistance of our partner in STAR, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality Pollution Prevention Bureau, we have purchased all of the needed equipment to present the STAR training, and will implement it statewide during 2001. An undergraduate partnership with the Automotive Technology Department at Montana State University-Northern has already been implemented.

    Consumer P2: In coordination with the Montana Home*A*Syst Program, consumer P2 issues were addressed in several seminars. Issues addressed in these seminars included the Montana Private Land Ownership Program and real estate environmental issues for small landowners. MT P2 promotes Enviro-Rangers as their main youth initiative, P2 Enviro-Rangers is a Region 8 program managed by Peaks to Prairies.

    Aviation: Many of the processes, procedures, chemicals, and hazardous substances found in the automotive maintenance and auto body repair businesses are also found and used in the aircraft maintenance business. Airport operations also have their own, unique P2 opportunities. In an effort to expand our target audience, the MTP2 Program contacted the six busiest airports in Montana (Yes, they all have paved runways! Please call early for cow removal.), providing them with P2 information, including aviation-specific case studies adapted from Canadian sources. Through this contact, the MTP2 Program was requested to assist Gallatin Field, Bozeman’s airport, in selecting a more environmentally-friendly runway de-icing compound than urea. After evaluating the information provided by the MTP2 Program, and other information, Gallatin Field has selected sodium acetate as its new runway de-icer. Airport management has agreed to provide case study information in the future.

    Continuing Programs: The MTP2 Program continues to provide the following additional services:

    • P2 Resource Library
    • The Bridge, a quarterly newsletter
    • Publications
    • Technical Assistance
    • Montana Material Exchange Program
    • Web Site (http://www.montana.edu/wwwated)
    • On-Site Visits

    Personnel: Dr. Michael Vogel, Program Director; Jon Hudson, Small Business Technical Specialist; Lara Dando, previously a Technical Specialist with the Program for over five years, has moved to Kansas where her husband is pursuing his doctorate. A replacement for Lara will be hired as soon as possible. (Note: Ted Lange has joined the MTP2 Program effective October 4, 2000).

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