The EPA National Library Catalog consists of several related databases that comprise a shared catalog. Use the catalog to locate books, reports, journals, and audiovisual materials on a variety of topics. Then contact your local public, corporate or academic library to arrange for a loan.
The material in the catalog is updated every two weeks, and may be searched in many ways, such as by title, author, and keyword. In addition to the primary catalog, there are databases within the catalog associated with special collections:
The National Catalog, which is the most popular database, contains the holdings (lists of books, documents and magazine titles) for EPA’s repositories and regional, laboratory, and specialized libraries. The National Catalog also has holdings for the EPA documents in the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) whether or not they are held by any libraries. NTIS abstracts can also be searched for and displayed.
The National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) distributes thousands of popular EPA documents free of charge. Search this collection to find publications that are available from NSCEP.
GroundWater Ecosystems Restoration is a collection located in Ada, Oklahoma that contains specialized scientific and technical information relating to ground water protection and remediation. Information includes strategies and technologies to protect and restore ground water, surface water, and ecosystems impacted by man-made and natural events.
The Air Pollution Technical Information Center database contains abstracts of materials that are maintained on microfiche by the EPA library located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.