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passive solar home

Residential Construction

For construction professionals, resource efficient building meets consumer demand, increases profits, provides savings for the home buyer and enhances marketing opportunities while conserving resources.

For homeowners and buyers, choosing appropriate systems, products and appliances and maintaining and operating them in an efficient manner creates demand for green products, saves money and the environment and protects the health of residents.

Web Site of the Month

Homes Across America

Homes Across America showcases resource efficient homes throughout the country and the technologies used to build them. It also highlights pertinent climate data for each home, and lists assistance providers who can answer questions on green building. Visit the site at:

The resources provided here will assist consumers and construction and design professionals in building, renovating and operating resource efficient homes that enhance homeowner satisfaction and reduce the environmental impacts caused by home construction and use.

Resource Efficient Resources:

NEWhammer Homes Across America - Showcase of Resource Efficient Homes (exits this site)

Residential Construction Industry Web Directory (pdf)

* Topic hubs assist users with practical ideas on how to reduce or eliminate waste and pollution. Chapters within each hub discuss special aspects of the topic and contain a compilation of pertinent on-line resources (reports, guidelines, case studies, etc.).

Programs and Publications:

Homes Across America 2003 Report
Connected To The Earth
Mercury Thermostat Recycling

Related Links: (exit Peaks to Prairies)
Healthy Indoor Air for America's Homes -

Denver DOE Region Weatherization Assistance Center -

Questions and Additional Assistance  

Contact the Peaks to Prairies Information Center for further assistance in locating resources or to make comments and suggestions.
builders and plans

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