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Colorado University
Business Advancement Center

Address Information

5353 Manhattan Circle, Suite 202
Boulder, CO 80303
303-554-9493 Ext. 14
Fax. 303-554-9605


Bud McGrath - Primary


The University of Colorado Business Advancement Center (CU-BAC) Environmental and the Colorado Environmental Business Alliance (CEBA) have teamed up to offer business assistance services specifically for the environmental industry. Services are designed to accelerate the creation, performance or expansion of environmental companies. These services were previously offered through Recycling Development Incubator funded by the EPA and Eco-Cycle to help in the creation of new businesses and to help existing businesses that are environmentally friendly within Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

Areas of Expertise

Facility Design
Product Development

Types of Programs

Educational Institution
Small Business Development Center

Clients Serviced

Industrial Organizations
Small Business

Resources Offered

Information Services