Address Information
Montana State University Extension Service
PO Box 173580 Bozeman, MT 597173580
Fax. 406-994-5417
Michael Vogel mvogel@montana.edu - Primary
Marilyn Bode mbode@MAIL.FCS.IASTATE.EDU
Joe Laquatra jl27@cornell.edu
B. White White@humec.ksu.edu
AAHE is an organization that promotes excellence in the planning, development, delivery and service of decent, safe, sanitary, affordable, ecologically sound, and appropriately designed housing for all people. Members of the organization recognize and understand the relationship that exists among the well being of individuals, families, and communities and the holistic housing environment. The organization is a major forum for professional dialogue among educators, researchers, and policy makers in the field of housing.
Areas of Expertise
Community Development
Types of Programs
Professional Association* (Unreviewed)
Clients Serviced
Educational Institutions
Resources Offered
Information Services