Address Information
2949 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-2949
Fax. 435-797-3845 leonah@ext.usu.edu
Leona Hawks leonah@ext.usu.edu - Primary
Cooperative Extension delivers research-based education and information to Utahns. These educational programs are delivered via a variety of methods and are offered through a federal, state and county partnership arrangement. The Cooperative Extension is a partner in the development of the Utah Demonstration House and Learning Center (Utah House). The mission of the Utah House is to educate the public about new ways of building homes and creating landscapes that promote the principles of sustainability, energy and water efficiency, healthy indoor environments, universal design principles, and economic development. The Utah House will serve as a learning and information center that will be open to the public for tours, workshops, and individual consultations. Visit the Utah House website at http://extension.usu.edu/utahhouse/.
Areas of Expertise
Conservation of Natural Resources
Pollution Prevention
Waste Management
Water Conservation
Energy Conservation* (Unreviewed)
Indoor Air Quality* (Unreviewed)
Universal Design* (Unreviewed)
Types of Programs
Educational Institution
Clients Serviced
Educational Institutions
Small Business
Resources Offered
Information Services